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Thursday, January 27, 2011


The Neighborhood 1/80 sec, f/2.6

Double Armoire 1/40 sec, f/2.6

The 3-Way Mirror 1/20 sec, f/2.6

Dolly, Dolly in the Mirror 1/13 sec, f/3.2

Jenna 1/10 sec, f/4

Trees in the Puddle 1/50 sec, f/2.6

A Different World Under My Feet 1/30 sec, f/2.6

The Lens and the Lanterns 1/4 sec, f/2.6

Mirror, Mirror in the Hand, am I Fair or am I Bland? 1/80 sec, f/2.6
Sky Glass 1/100 sec, f/3.5
Many and One 1 sec, f/3.5

Light in Light 1/20 sec, f/2.6

     I used the property of reflection to reveal objects not seen in the frame or to duplicate objects already in the frame. Reflection gave these photos depth and pulled the viewer into a bigger world. Taking a photo of a reflective surface allowed more information to be captured with just one shot. The messages of these photos lie in the reflected image, not the actual image in the frame.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Quarter 3 Projects

The first 4 projects I will do in this class are Motion Blur, Reflection, Perspective, and Contrast/Texture. Motion Blur is easy to do with my camera. Photos for Reflection seem easy to find, and I already have some good ones from Around the Block. I also have some decent photos for Perspective from Around the Block, and I plan on finding many more. I am going to Washington, D.C. later this month. I feel like D.C. will have more promising opportunities for Contrast/Texture than Akron.