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Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Miller's Tale

16: Nicholas, like Theseus, is called as meek as a maiden.
Alison is described with mainly white and black connotative words: fair, white, coal-black, wool, bright
quitclaim-a transfer of interest
146-49 foreshadow Absalom's serenading by highlighting his musical skill.
151-2 and 160-1 seem contradictory by describing Absalom as squeamish of flatulence and foul language, but he would have passionate sex with Alison any day.
woebegone-having much woe
Blow his horn may be a double entendre for masturbation (line 200).
tarry-stay, wait
wights-supernatural beings
Nicholas compares his story to Noah's Ark to make it seem more real.
knave-male servant
espy-to catch sight of
Nicholas seems brilliant compared to John's stupidity.
John falls for every word of Nicholas' tale, and the townspeople hear of it, forever branding John as a fool.
pitch an innuendo?
chips another word for manure?
Absalom branding Nicholas' arse is an innuendo for homosexual sex (line 623).
Absalom, Nicholas, and Alison all got poetic justice.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Knight's Tale Books 2-4

The second book describes the arena Theseus built and the temples to Venus, Diana, and Mars.
wot-saw, knew
florin-Italian coin
Every man prayed to have a part in this battle. It was the biggest, most legendary battle in Athens.
The epicness of the battle is heighthened by the presence of 200 lords and 3 kings-Theseus, Lycurgus, and Emetreus
It is implied that Theseus is extremely wealthy because he feeds all of Palamon and Arcita's men and houses them for the duration of the battle. He also foots the bill for the mile-wide, magnificent arena.
ruth-pity, grief
Poetic justice is served when Arcita gets victory and Palamon gets Emily, thanks to Saturn's intervention.
The epic proportions of the story match those of Beowulf.
amercement-to punish arbitrarily
retinue-suite of people
staves-plural of staff
People listen to Theseus because of his status of a perfect, gentle knight.
sapience-showing wisdom and sound judgement
Theseus protects the lords by changing the rules of the battle. Only spears and jousts would be allowed.
1753, 1755-1757: alliteration. Similar to Beowulf
whelp-a young big cat
Theseus' rule modification worked; no one died, but many got injured.
1952: Why does Arcita ask for mercy from Emily?
Aegeus is a human figure of Wisdom and a foil for Saturn. Aegeus comforts the people with his unfathomable  wisdom.
bier-stand for a corpse or coffin
2075-2076: personification of the ground
bower: rustic dwelling
Theseus shows justice by letting Palamon and Emily get married.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Knight's Tale-Book 1

tale is out of chronological order
cavalcade-a procession of mounted men
Theseus shows mercy
105-110: shift from a glorious homecoming to a battle to avenge the kings' deaths
140: pyres is a continuation of pagan rituals in England
pennon-flag, banner
186-188: personification of spring
blenched-shrunk, flinched
Palamon and Artica fight over Emily, each insisting that he loved her first
wont-used to
fettered-chained, bound
404-406: comparison between drunk man and life
amain-at full speed
galls-something severe or bitter
Artica and Palamon both have advantages and disadvantages

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Modern Sexism

     In contemporary times, sexism towards both women and men can be seen in the workplace and in the family.
At Panera, all of the girls work at the register, as barista, or in the bakery, particularly all of the pretty girls. Less pretty girls tend to be put in the dining room to clean up dishes and maintain its cleanliness. All of the guys work behind the counter making food. There are some girls trained to do this, but they are an exception to the rule. Even most of the managers are young women in the midst of their college education. Girls make up an astounding majority of Panera's staff, a pertinent example of reverse sexism.
     In contrast, traditional European families often practice conservative views of men and women. Men get served by the women, who cook and clean everything related to the meal. Women are taught to be ideal housewives and mothers, and the men learn how to be successful in an intimidating economy. It would be considered unacceptable for a woman to hold a more prestigious position than her husband, who is viewed as the sole breadwinner. Sexism can lean in favor of either sex in today's world.

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Dream of the Rood

First, second stanza glorify the cross of Christ
"gilded with gold" used in both stanzas
vesture-clothing, shrubbery
foemen-enemies in war
bale-harm, misery, sorrow
wan-pallid, sickly
all action happening within the dream
caitiffs-despicable people
When did Wielder become a title for God?
tone is hopeful
some alliteration (a mnemonic device?)

The Purpose of Digressions in Beowulf

How do the digressions contribute to the artistic value of the story?
I noticed digressions being used as foils as I was reading Beowulf.
What makes Beowulf's youth so inglorious?
How does Scyld's funeral suggest a bright future?
How does Beowulf's funeral suggest the end of a glorious past and a forboding future?
What is a wergild?
I thought that Beowulf did become the king of the Geats, not Heardred.
I don't understand what part wyrd plays in the end of the poem.
lots of Biblical digressions and references
How is the poem a "failure" if it's trying to glorify Christian and pagan ideas?