censure-strong expression of disapproval
Moderation in government can never happen because we are too bright in a group and not bright enough alone.
Gulliver is never physically described because he represents the common people.
Strong leadership keeps us from going into anarchy.
Swift uses scatology to get some of his points across-page 18 "master Bates".
declivity-downward slope
jerkin-sleeveless, close-fitting jacket
retinue-suite of people attending a royal figure
Gulliver primarily points out the good aspects of each society, and the flaws he does point out are few and trivial.
soporiferous-bringing sleep
There is power in numbers.
Gulliver becomes an exhibit in every kingdom except Laputa, where they have no time for such matters.
demesnes-possessions of land
palisadoes-fences or stakes set in the ground
Lilliputians are obsessed with trivial matters.
Every character in every kingsom except the kings are one-dimensional. In Lilliput, they are untrusting and believe they are bigger than they really are. In Brobdingnag, they are moral and have many physical flaws. In Laputa, they are consumed by impractical mathematics and cannot converse without flappers. In Houyhnhnmland, the Yahoos are selfish and incompetent, while the Houyhnhnms are friendly and simple.
expostulate-to reason with someone against something they have done
junto-self-appointed committee, especially with political goals
diuretic-medicine made to increase urine production
Lilliputian children know no love, only patriotism.
encomiums-formal expressions of high praise
Are the Blefuscuians as petty as the Lilliputians?
cabal-small, secret group of plotters, especially against the government
Gulliver goes from a love of England to an utter disgust of it by the end of the book. He has become aware of the vileness of the human race because of the "glorious" Houyhnhnms.
Bright does not equal good.
fopperies-anything having to do with an excessively vain person
Brobdingnagians, in some ways, are just as petty as the Lilliputians, especially how they treat Gulliver as a pet.
espalier-trellis for plants
The Brobdingnagian king tries to make the English government look bad.
pecuniary-pertaining to money
mercurial-volatile, finicky
Gulliver tries to impose the English government on every kingdom except the Houyhnhnms because he knows they are ideal and will not receive it well.
sloop-small boat with one sail
Do Laputians think they are above everyone else, not just literally?
perihelion-point of orbit where a planet or comet is closest to the sun
effluvia-slight vapor, especially a noxious one
caprices-changes of mind
declensions-acts of decreasing
cephalic-pertaining to the head
bolus-soft, round lump usually referring to medicine or chewed food
The Laputian method of learning parallels the typical classroom learning-taking notes from lectures, spitting out the information on a test, and forgetting it forever. Gulliver implies that students need to remember everything they learn in school.
chimeras-mythical fire-breathing monsters with a lion's head, serpent's tail, and a goat's body
licentiousness-sexual unretraint
ebullient-overflowing with enthusiasm
scrofulous-morally tainted
purulent-discharging pus
subaltern-lower in rank
obeisances-gestures showing respect, courtesy, or reverence
helot-serf, slave
calentures-violent fevers with deleriousness
pudenda-external gential organs, especially the female's
circumlocutions-roundabout ways of speaking
insuperable-incapable of being surmounted
coquette-flirtatious woman
The Yahoos closely resemble monkeys, which is poignant concerning the satire of human nature. Gulliver thinks of humans as petty, selfish creatures incapable of self-government or keeping peace after his time spent with the Houyhnhnms.
censure-strong expression of disapproval
Moderation in government can never happen because we are too bright in a group and not bright enough alone.
Gulliver is never physically described because he represents the common people.
Strong leadership keeps us from going into anarchy.
Swift uses scatology to get some of his points across-page 18 "master Bates".
declivity-downward slope
jerkin-sleeveless, close-fitting jacket
retinue-suite of people attending a royal figure
Gulliver primarily points out the good aspects of each society, and the flaws he does point out are few and trivial.
soporiferous-bringing sleep
There is power in numbers.
Gulliver becomes an exhibit in every kingdom except Laputa, where they have no time for such matters.
demesnes-possessions of land
palisadoes-fences or stakes set in the ground
Lilliputians are obsessed with trivial matters.
Every character in every kingsom except the kings are one-dimensional. In Lilliput, they are untrusting and believe they are bigger than they really are. In Brobdingnag, they are moral and have many physical flaws. In Laputa, they are consumed by impractical mathematics and cannot converse without flappers. In Houyhnhnmland, the Yahoos are selfish and incompetent, while the Houyhnhnms are friendly and simple.
expostulate-to reason with someone against something they have done
junto-self-appointed committee, especially with political goals
diuretic-medicine made to increase urine production
Lilliputian children know no love, only patriotism.
encomiums-formal expressions of high praise
Are the Blefuscuians as petty as the Lilliputians?
cabal-small, secret group of plotters, especially against the government
Gulliver goes from a love of England to an utter disgust of it by the end of the book. He has become aware of the vileness of the human race because of the "glorious" Houyhnhnms.
Bright does not equal good.
fopperies-anything having to do with an excessively vain person
Brobdingnagians, in some ways, are just as petty as the Lilliputians, especially how they treat Gulliver as a pet.
espalier-trellis for plants
The Brobdingnagian king tries to make the English government look bad.
pecuniary-pertaining to money
mercurial-volatile, finicky
Gulliver tries to impose the English government on every kingdom except the Houyhnhnms because he knows they are ideal and will not receive it well.
sloop-small boat with one sail
Do Laputians think they are above everyone else, not just literally?
perihelion-point of orbit where a planet or comet is closest to the sun
effluvia-slight vapor, especially a noxious one
caprices-changes of mind
declensions-acts of decreasing
cephalic-pertaining to the head
bolus-soft, round lump usually referring to medicine or chewed food
The Laputian method of learning parallels the typical classroom learning-taking notes from lectures, spitting out the information on a test, and forgetting it forever. Gulliver implies that students need to remember everything they learn in school.
chimeras-mythical fire-breathing monsters with a lion's head, serpent's tail, and a goat's body
licentiousness-sexual unretraint
ebullient-overflowing with enthusiasm
scrofulous-morally tainted
purulent-discharging pus
subaltern-lower in rank
obeisances-gestures showing respect, courtesy, or reverence
helot-serf, slave
calentures-violent fevers with deleriousness
pudenda-external gential organs, especially the female's
circumlocutions-roundabout ways of speaking
insuperable-incapable of being surmounted
coquette-flirtatious woman
The Yahoos closely resemble monkeys, which is poignant concerning the satire of human nature. Gulliver thinks of humans as petty, selfish creatures incapable of self-government or keeping peace after his time spent with the Houyhnhnms.