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Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Being a transitory being is a good thing.
Because of Adam and  Eve's original sin, Everyman must go through the reckoning.
Why are all of the characters in the play there? Why were they chosen over other qualities?
If people are not angels, they will become devils.
The people will destroy themselves if God does not call them to the reckoning. The play is a portrayal of the Last Judgement.
God made Everyman divine, but he forgets about his God.
abject-utterly hopeless
The play is a quest to win God's favor and enter Heaven.
The rich are rich in order to share their wealth.
Everyman must die alone, and he is responsible for his own actions.
Everyman is selfish and immature. He tries to bribe Death into waiting and pleads with everyone else to come with him, but all but Good Deeds are hypocritical and abandon him at the end. Good Deeds are all that matter before the throne of God.
Death is an equalizer and does not play favorites.
Everyman has problems trusting everyone.
Everyman gives a soliloquy after every person abandons him, then he pleads with someone else, forming a pattern that is only broken with Good Deeds and Knowledge.
Everyone promises to be loyal to Everyman, but they all end up being hypocritical.
Everyman is miserly and keeps Goods stored away. Goods can only fix worldly problems, so he says immediately that he cannot come with Everyman. He is not hypocritical.
Every person tells Everyman that if he had done this or that he would not be in this situation. It is foreshadowing for a need for Confession.
vouchsafe-grant, give
Confession saves Everyman from the fires of Purgatory and grants him safe admission into Heaven.
He is forced to die, but he sincerely repents.
Doing penance is the only way to have temporal punishment relieved.
Reconciliation brings Good Deeds back to life.
behoof-benefit, behalf
699-705: Everyman's self-denial parallels that of Zaccheus. Both must repent of their sins, too.
Priests have the keys to Heaven because they can forgive sins.
881: These words parallel Jesus' last words in the Gospel of Luke.
Is the Doctor God or just a precursor to seeing God?
Is Everyman's place in Heaven guaranteed? 

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