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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Pardoner's Description and Prologue

The Pardoner is rich and complies with the latest styles.
22: He is assumed to be young because he has no beard.
veronica-a veil or piece of cloth bearing the image of Christ
He carries fake relics around, the veronica being one of them, so that he can make more money through the selling of pardons.
parson-Protestant minister
paragon-model for excellence
He did everything he could to make money. He was especially gifted at singing, and people would listen well.
A story must be retold exactly or it is lying according to the pardoner. In a sense, it is lying, but only to the degree to which the story is distorted.
writ-law, edict
78: Is the host's wits who are not the best or the pardoner's?

exemplum-moral story
17-23: He openly admits he scams people and uses fake relics to do so.
draught-drop, dose
trow-to believe
shriven-granted penance
He continually opposes his "theme" of "Radix malorum est cupiditas" by lying about his holiness and the origin of his relics.
yarn-craft stories, usually false stories
He could care less about the souls of the people he preaches to on a regular basis.
He insists that he is not the only one making up sermons for money. Some even do it for vainglory, hate, flattery, or the people's pleasure.
defamations-unjustified injuries of reputation
Why does he insist that greed is the root of all evils but indulge in it anyways? Making money is a valid and motivating reason, but it cannot be enough.
109: He calls the people he preaches to vulgar, implying that he considers himself above them, the common people.
He is drunk before he tells the tale, so he must be drinking throughout the prologue.
Both the Pardoner and the Wife of Bath use other people to get rich. Although both are experienced, the Wife of Bath is old, and the Pardoner is young.

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